WEEK 1 - What is Umbanda - History of Umbanda - Lineages of Umbanda - Theology and Cosmology of Umbanda
In the first class, Ialorixá Ana will explore the tradition of Umbanda, from its birth in 1908 through its storied history up to the present day. We will explore the spiritual origins of Umbanda and its relationship to the heavens and forces of nature, the Orixas, the spiritual guides and elevated realms of being. We will delve into the roots of Umbanda, from Africa to indigenous traditions, from Kardecism and Catholicism to mystic traditions and Candomblé.
WEEK 2 - Mediumship Development - Communicating with and Identifying your Spiritual Guides - Types of Healing Beings in Umbanda
In the second class, Ialorixá Ana will explore what mediumship is. We will also examine the different kinds of mediumship - intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, automatic writing and incorporation mediumship. We will explore the process of identifying your spiritual guides, how to communicate with them and how to strengthen and deepen your relationship with them. We will discuss the many kinds of illuminated beings that arrive in the Umbanda spiritual works to counsel, to cleanse and to heal.
WEEK 3 - The Orixas - How to work with the Orixas in Umbanda
In the third class, Ialorixá Ana will reveal what the Orixás are and how they are a part of creation and a part of each one of us. We will explore how to work with the Orixás in Umbanda. Ialorixá Ana will teach how to understand your relationship to your Orixás and how to communicate with your guides. In addition she will cover the connections and differences between the traditions of Umbanda and Candomblé. We will also cover the history of Candomblé.
WEEK 4 Structure and Practice of Giras and Spiritual Healing Works in Umbanda - Role of Pai e Mae de Santo - Role of Mediums - Role of the Ogan - Role of Combono
In the fourth class, Ialorixá Ana will explain the different kinds of spiritual works in Umbanda and the many different roles that the participants fulfill. She will define the necessary preparations for an Umbanda work, as well as, the structure of the Gira itself, the opening and closing, and various stages of a spiritual work. She will teach how a terreiro is created and prepared for a Gira.
WEEK 5 - Banhos de Ervas - Defumação - Use of Medicinal Plants in Umbanda
In our fifth class, we will explore the use of herbs in the tradition of Umbanda. How to make a basic ‘banho de hervas’ with some of the principal herbs of Umbanda. We will explore the herbs that are associated with each of the Orixás and how to use ‘banho de hervas’ ‘defumacao’ for cleansing and healing.
WEEK 6 - Musica em Umbanda - Pontos Cantado
In our sixth class we will explore all of the different kinds of music of Umbanda. The healing, cleansing and enchanting effect of the music of Umbanda. We will learn some of the most important pontos and hymns of Umbanda, including the official Hymn of Umbanda, the special pontos of Tenda Espirita Mirim, and special healing hymns.
WEEK 7 Creating an altar in your house, Communicating with your Spiritual Guides in your house and everyday life
In our seventh class Ialorixá Ana will explain how to make an altar in your house. How to make simple offerings to your Orixás and your spiritual guides. How to communicate with the Orixás and your spiritual guides in your daily life.
WEEK 8 - Exus and Pombagiras - Understanding the most misunderstood entities in Umbanda
In the eighth week we will explore who is the Orixá Exu and who are the Exu spirits and spiritual guardians of Umbanda. Exu is not the devil, a demon or an evil spirit. We will explore how this misunderstanding developed and how to understand and show respect and gratitude for these powerful healers and guardians of Umbanda - the Exus and Pomba-Giras.
WEEK 9 - Mediumship Development in Depth
In the ninth class we will do a deep dive into mediumship development. We will cover the levels of mediumship development - the stages of development from initiate, to the Banco, to developed medium of the terreiro. What is the role of the bench mediums, transport mediums in the Spiritual Works. Other topics will include what is a discharge medium, what is dis-obsession, what is a Spiritual and Energetic Passe and how do we understand spiritual cleansing and healing within the works of Umbanda.
WEEK 10 - Understand your Spiritual Life Mission and your Role in the Story of Umbanda
The life discipline of walking with your Guides, relating to, respecting and working with your Guides. The four pillars of spiritual and mediumship development love, humility and truth, and charity. Umbanda is for everyone, everyone has a mediumship to develop and role to play in the spiritual works.
Principle Texts and Media:
Excerpts from the following books and articles will be provided as they relate to each topic throughout the course:
Umbanda- Escola da Vida - Apostilas - Umbanda - School of Life - Writings of Caboclo Mirim and Benjamin Figueiredo -
Okê Caboclo - Writings of Caboclo Mirim and Benjamin Figueiredo - 1920-1986
The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec - FEB Publisher - 2018
The Medium’s Book by Allan Kardec - FEB Publisher - 2018
Heaven and Hell by Allan Kardec - FEB Publisher - 2018
The Gospel according to Spiritism by Allan Kardec - FEB Publisher - 2018
Mitologia dos Orixás - Mythology of the Orixás - Reginaldo Prandi Published by Companhia Das Letras, 2001
Os Candomblés de São Paulo - Reginaldo Prandi Published by Companhia Das Letras, 2001
Candomble and Time - Reginaldo Prandi Published by Companhia Das Letras, 2001
Encantaria Brasileira - O Livro dos Mestres / Caboclos e Encantados Editora: Pallas Ano: 2001 - Reginaldo Prandi Published by Companhia Das Letras, 2001
Doutrina e Teologia de Umbanda Sagrada: a religião dos mistérios um hino de amor à vida. The Doctrine and Theology of Sacred Umbanda: the religion of mysteries, a hymn of love for life. Rubens Saraceni. São Paulo: Madras, 2007
História da Umbanda: Uma religião brasileira - Madras Editora; 1st edition January 15, 2010
Médium: Incorporação não é possessão Madras Editora; 1st edition January 1, 2015
Iconografia dos Deuses Africanos no Candomblé da Bahia. Carybé - Bahia: Instituto Nacional, 1982.
Nosso Lar - Our Home - Movie adaptation of one of Chico Xavier’s most famous spiritually received works - an autobiography of the life and afterlife of the spirit Andre Luis.
Chico Xavier - Movie about the life of the spiritist medium Chico Xavier.
Pierre Fatumbi Verger - Um Mensageiro entre dois Mundos - Documentary - Director: Lula Buarque de Hollanda Cast: Gilberto Gil, Jorge Amado, Pierre Verger - 1998 Documentary about the life and work of French photographer and ethnographer Pierre Verger who studied relationships and mutual cultural influences between Brazil and the Gulf of Benin, in Africa, focusing on research on Candomblé.