Gira for the Orixá Xangô in the Forest in Redwood Glen at Joaquim Miller Park
Gira for the Orixá Xangô in the Forest in Redwood Glen at Joaquim Miller Park
A Gira is a celebration of life and nature. Through singing and dancing we invite the divine illuiminated spirits to arrive to heal, cleanse, give counsel and to teach about the spiritual life. Xangô is the Orixá of justice. Xangô is the force and majesty of the mountains and thunder.
Salve Xangô! Kaô Kabecilê! Xangô é Rei!
The Gira is a work of spiritual charity. There is no charge, however, we accept donations if you would like to contribute to our work. The donations that are collected go to the costs associated with the Gira and for the materials, such as candles, etc. It is customary that a large percentage of the donations go to the drummer (Ogan) for their essential service to the work.
Please wear white clothing, men in long pants, women in long skirts. We ask the women to wear white blouses that fully cover the shoulders and chest and to make sure that the clothing is not transparent.
If you have any questions please contact Ialorixá Ana and Nick at 415 910 7359
Or email us at caminhodosol6@gmail.com
Thank you